There are hundreds of "environmental NGOs" in Taiwan. Some are sponsored by the government, some by business, and some by donations and their project work. The following are some of these organizations. For further information on a particular group and confirmation that Wild believes a particular have a high level of integrity and commitment to inter species and inter generational justice please contact [email protected]
Taiwan Academy of Ecology 台灣生態學會
phone:(04)2632-8001 ext.17054 fax:(04)2653-0021
English address:
No. 200, Chung Qi Rd., Sha Lu Township, Tai Chung County 43301, Taiwan
Chinese address:
43301 台中縣沙鹿鎮中棲路200號
email: [email protected]
Ecology Education Center, Kaohsiung Teacher's Association 高雄市教師會生態教育中心
phone: (07)723-5660 fax: (07)723-8599
English address:
1-6F, No. 155 Fu Ren Rd., Ling Ya Area, Kaohsiung City 80288, Taiwan
Chinese address:
80288 高雄市苓雅區輔仁路155號6樓之1
email: [email protected]
Taiwan Watch Institute 看守台灣
phone: (02)2935-7651 fax: (02)2935-6977
English address:
1F, No 10, Lane 105, Sec 4, Dingzhou Road, Taipei city, 116, Taiwan
Chinese address:
116 台北市汀洲路四段105巷10號1樓
email: [email protected]
TEAN(Taiwan Environment Action Network)台灣環境行動網
phone: (02)2930-4975 fax: ((02)8663-1507
English address:
3F., No.10, Lane 238, Jingsing Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei City 11669, Taiwan
Chinese address:
11669 台北市文山區景興路238巷10號3樓
email: [email protected]
Green Party Taiwan 台灣綠黨
phone: (02)8663-1203 fax: (02)8663-1507
English office address:
2F., No.148, Sec. 3, Musin Rd. Wunshan District, Taipei City 11660, Taiwan
English mailing address:
P.O.BOX 6-84 Mujha, Taipei City 11699, Taiwan
Chinese address:
11669 台北市文山區景興路238巷10號3樓
email: [email protected]
TEPU (Taiwan Environmental Protection Union) 台灣環境行動網
phone: (02)2363-6419 fax: (02)2364-4293
English address:
2F, No. 107, Section 3, Ting Chou Road, Taipei City 100, Taiwan
Chinese address:
10090 台北市汀洲路三段107號2樓
email: [email protected]
Green Formosa Front 綠色陣線協會
phone: (02)2708-0961 fax: (02)2708-0962
English address:
No. 22, Hsin Yi Rd., sect. 3, Lane 147, Alley 36, Taipei City 106, Taiwan
Chinese address:
106 台北市信義路三段147巷36弄22號
email: [email protected]
Green Citizens' Action Alliance 綠色公民行動聯盟
phone: (02)2364-3506 fax: (02)2364-3511
English address:
2F, No.166, Sect. 2, NanChang Rd. Taipei City 100, Taiwan
Chinese address:
100 台北市中正區南昌路二段166號2樓
email: [email protected]
EAST(Environmental & Animal Society of Taiwan) 台灣動物社會研究會
phone: (02)2239-8105~6 fax: (02)2239-7634
English address:
No. 137 Hsing Long Rd., Sect. 3, Lane 304, Wen Shan Area, Taipei City 116
Chinese address:
116 台北市文山區興隆路三段304巷137號
email: [email protected]
Tainan Teacher's Association 台南市社區大學發展協會
phone: (06)251-5670
English address:
No. 750 Gong Yuan Rd. Tainan City, Taiwan
Chinese address:
705 台南市公園路750號
email: [email protected]
SOW(The Society of Wilderness) 荒野保護協會
phone: (02)2930-3193 fax: (02)2934-6318
English address:
No. 113, Sec. 1, Hsin-lung Road, Sect. 1, Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Wen-shan District, 116,
Taipei City
Chinese address:
116 台北市文山區興隆路一段113號
email: [email protected]
Homemakers Union and Foundation 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會
phone: (02)2368-6211 fax: (02)2368-6213
English address:
1-5F, No. 4, Ting Zhou Rd. Sect. 3, Lane 160, Taipei City 10091
Chinese address:
email: [email protected]
Wild Bird Federation Taiwan 社團法人中華民國野鳥學會
phone: (02)8663-1252 fax: (02)2930-3595
English address:
1F, No. 3, Jing Long St., Lane 36, Taipei City, Taiwan
Chinese address:
email: [email protected]
Black Tide Ocean Ecology Foundation 黑潮海洋文教基金會
phone: (03)833-4133 fax: (03)833-7095
English address:
2F, No. 349, Hoeping Rd. Hualien City, Taiwan
Chinese address:
email: [email protected]